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Writer's pictureJon Ferber

Comprehensive Holitics VI - Embracing A Comprehensive New Worldview

The development and understanding of Quantum Physics is the product of Albert Einstein's generation of theoretical physicists. Surrounded by a vibratory universe of frequencies, or wave functions, and the collapse of wave functions into various quanta, define a higher level of understanding of how our universe functions, from the micro to the macro states we observe. When a wave functions, or probability state, collapses into a quantum element, or a combined set of collapsed wave functions form a unified system such as an individual human or a galaxy or a tree, a gestalt mechanism is produced which, as gestalt is defined, the sum of the individual quanta making up a higher order quantum state is greater than the individual parts combined. Energy (vibratory frequencies) becomes particulate matter. In a higher order quantum state, such as an individual human, many collapsed wave functions are interacting to form the individual human being. Each of the specific quantum particulars are causing the ether, or space which contains the individual quanta, to vibrate, like drops of rain on a pond sending out waves which interact and meet, causing secondary waves to ripple. The points where the interacting waves touch are nodes which form a network of points restng in the ether, or space in which they are propagating. The term 'space' or 'ether' is insufficient to define the substance that the waves are propagating in. Space implies emptiness, but space, or the ether, is not empty. It is, in fact, a substance that wave functions (or probability waves) are embedded in, and when collapsed into functional quanta, anchor the particular quantum states forming mass and density. Energy, or vibrational probability waves, become matter. In complex systems like an individual human, or a galaxy, there are innumerable collapsed wave functions interacting and creating the interference patterns in the 'space' or 'ether' and cause the 'space' to become dense. This density is what we observe as gravity. The more dense the mass of an object is the greater is the force of gravity, or in this discussion the quantum object exerts pressure around the 'space' and a gravitational wave is generated. In the micro quantum universe of particle physics the gravity is defined by spin, momentum, and generating a charge. In the macro quantum universe, a quantum state such as a planet or star, is also spinning, has momentum, and has a chatge. We experience the chatge of the higher order quantum particles, such as a planet or star, as a gravity or density wave. Its propagation it has an inverse effect in that the greater the gravity wave propagation the more intense, or strong, is the attractive force surrounding the quantum unit that is generating the gravity wave. The force of the gravity wave defines the attraction strength of the gravitational pull as the gravity wave issues away from the quantum unit. The more forceful the gravity wave being issued the greater is the attractive force of the quantum particle, in this example a planet or star. The more compressed the 'space' which the quantum particle is embedded in the more forceful is the emanation of the gravity wave and the more attractive is the 'pull' of the quantum object on other quantum objects in its vicinity. Gravity waves intersect like the droplets of water in the pond example and create secondary waves in the 'ether'. This discussion regarding gravity waves is but one of an innumerable set of waves, frequencies or forces, constantly interacting in our observable universe. At every scale, from the micro state of individual quanta of the particle zoo, to the macro state of the quanta of observable objects, like the planets and stars referred to herein, energetic probability frequencies (or functions) are propagating and collapsing into quantum matter.

Now, turning our attention to a unified quantum state, in this example, a human individual, there are an innumerable set of quanta which define the gestalt body. Comprehensive Holistic theory envisions the entire set of quanta making up the higher order individual human. Within the human body are subsets of quantum elements that combine to form the individual functioning body. Within each of these component subsets of the individual body are further individual quanta which populate each quantum unit. If we could view all of the collapsed energy waves from the microscopic to the macroscopic units of created quantum units (collapsed wave functions) in any complex organized quantum object we would see the particle zoo at work, combining to make the tissues and organs, which are themselves subset quanta of the individual body. All of these quantum units are generating ripples akin to the gravity waves of stellar objects as discussed, forming interference patterns which together form the design of the higher order quantum unit, in this case the entire human body. The body, and any quantum unit, is energy, or frequency, collapsing into quantum units and propagating in a fractal growth pattern that we observe any unified set of quanta that make up a higher order quantum unit.

Comprehensive Holistics maintains that the entire universe we can observe with our six senses, and a higher order of dimensions which define our observable universe but are not readily observable to all but certain higher order beings, are interconnected as a unified field. As we continue to progress in our understanding of creation through our science and our theology we are slowly moving towards the next 'quantum leap' (or leap of theoretical faith) which will render the generation of theoretical free thinkers as defined by such individuals as Albert Einstein, and before him, Isaac Newton, as obsolete in the sense that our understanding of our universe and its Nature will progress to the next stage of 'ascension' towards the never ending goal of understanding all that we can about the Nature and universe that surrounds us.

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